SDVI Rally

Revolutionize your media supply chain with Rally


SDVI is an Emmy® Award-winning supplier of cloud-based media supply chain technology that empowers organizations to optimize content ingest, processing, packaging, and distribution operations. The company’s Rally media supply chain platform helps organizations create a scalable and responsive infrastructure that provides true business agility, operational efficiency, and process intelligence.


  • Automated content analysis

  • Direct access to DeepVA tools

  • Unified metadata management


partnership overview

Rally media supply chain platform: Automate workflows with DeepVA AI

Stuck in a slow, inefficient media workflow? Rally simplifies and optimizes your entire content processing pipeline. Here’s how:

  • Automated Workflows

    Build custom workflows using Rally's orchestration engine. Integrate seamlessly with your favorite 3rd party tools for tasks like content analysis, transformation, quality control (QC), audio leveling, metadata enrichment, and more.

  • AI-Powered Insights (NEW!)

    Rally now integrates with DeepVA's advanced AI features. DeepVA automatically analyzes your content, providing valuable insights that can be used to improve search results and content monetization.

  • On-Demand Scalability

    Rally dynamically allocates cloud resources based on your specific needs. Only pay for what you use, eliminating wasted resources and optimizing costs.

  • Simplified Management

    Activate, monitor, and shut down applications as needed, ensuring you always have the right tool for the job.

Boost search results and revenue with DeepVA integration

Rally seamlessly integrates with DeepVA, allowing you to leverage its powerful AI for content analysis directly within your workflows. DeepVA automatically generates enriched metadata about your content, including:

  • People and locations identified within your videos

  • Automatic categorization based on content type

  • Sentiment analysis to understand the overall tone

Take control of your data today

We’re here to help you achieve your goals and take control of your digital future.

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